Wednesday 19th February 2025 – Surgery closure pm

Oakridge Park Medical Centre will be closed on Wednesday 19th February from 2.30pm – 6.30pm for staff training

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Here at Oakridge Park Medical Centre we are aiming to identify all our patients who are carers. We are keen to ensure that all carers are aware of the help that is available, both locally and through specialist organisations and support services. Do you look after a family member, friend or neighbour who through illness, disability or frailty cannot manage without you? If so, you are a carer and we would like to help.

Carers need
  • Recognition of their role
  • Opportunities for a break from caring
  • Care for their own health
  • Emotional support
  • Accessible information from reliable services
Advantages of being registered as a carer
  • We can see you are a carer and the information will help your GP when planning your medical care and support
  • You will be invited for annual flu vaccination
  • We can provide contacts for carer groups and information
Carers medical records

You will also need to give a carers medical records access form to the person you care for. By completing this Access to Medical Records Form the patient gives consent for their carer to access their medical records and information relating to their care e.g. test results. Please ask the person you care for if they wish to complete this form and return the completed form to the Practice’s receptionist.

Carers MK discount card

If you are caring for a family member or friend who lives in Milton Keynes you can now register for the carers discount card. Please call 01908 231703 or email for more information and how to apply for your discount card.

End of life care planning

Planning Your Care in Advance is developed by the Milton Keynes joint palliative care group. The document allows all of a person’s plans, both practical and health-related, to be recorded in a single place. It includes sections on:

  • Wishes for care and preferred place of death
  • Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Organ donation and post mortem body or tissue donation
  • Funeral planning
  • Advance decision to refuse treatment

Bereavement guide

Milton Keynes registrations office has produced an excellent bereavement guide providing information about what to do when someone dies. The brochure is available at the Council’s website.

Oakridge Park Medical Centre work alongside Carers MK who specialise in supplying support and advice for carers of all ages. If you have any questions please contact Emma (carers champion and reception manager) at the practice.

To register as a carer please complete our online register a carers form. You will then be registered in our practice’s records as a carer.

  • Carers MK

    Carers MK is an independent local charity established in 2006 to support unpaid carers in Milton Keynes. They are commissioned by Milton Keynes Council to offer support to all unpaid carers from the age of 8 upwards.

    01908 231 703 


  • Carers UK

    They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.

    0808 808 7777

    Carers UK


  • Social care and support guide

    If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.

    NHS: Social care and support guide

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 21 November 2024