Wednesday 19th February 2025 – Surgery closure pm

Oakridge Park Medical Centre will be closed on Wednesday 19th February from 2.30pm – 6.30pm for staff training

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Contact us with SystmConnect

You can contact a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional online using a website called SystmConnect.

Please be aware that all online appointments are face to face.

All nurse appointments are face to face and that a majority of nurse practitioner and GP appointments are face to face.

On the day appointments

As of the 15th of April 2024, we are operating a total triage model and all request for GP appointments need to be submitted via the online platform. Should you not be able to use the online form, please speak to one of the reception team, who will gladly put the request through on your behalf.

The on call GP will triage all of the requests that come through and book an appointment with the most appropriate clinician or service. If you submit an appointment request, these can be booked at short notice, so it is important to keep your phone close by as the confirmation text messages will be sent via text as the appointments are booked. Reception will be calling any patients who do not have a mobile number with confirmation of appointments.

Appointments will be given on the same day or for the following day, so please ensure you are able to attend. Should you require a phone appointment or not be able to attend between certain times, please ensure that you put that information in the form, and we will try and accommodate as best as we can. The more information you can provide us about your condition, the better able the GP will be able to triage your request.

We are working closely with nearby services, and we may offer you an appointment at urgent care or at Willen Surgery to see one of their GPs. All consultations made within these services will be available for staff at Oakridge Park to view.

Routine appointments

To request a routine nurses appointment in advance during opening times:

Hub practice appointments

To complement the services we provide, we are also able to book our patients at the hub practices below, who are all able to view and use our clinical system to see our patients for routine matters and screening purposes. The sessions are for both GPs and practice nurse appointments. These give patients more access throughout the week.

The hub practices are:

  • Central Milton Keynes Medical Centre
  • Broughton Gate Practice
  • Wolverton Health Centre
  • Parkside Medical Centre
  • The Grove Surgery

Appointments will be available at the following times:

  • Monday to Friday, 7am to 8am

Patients failing to attend appointments

Patients who fail to attend appointments are depriving others who could have used this appointment. We receive many complaints from patients who can’t get a regular appointment for some time due to the shortage of appointments, and this is a contributing factor.

The practice will now review all patients who fail to attend any appointments, and will place them into monitored groups as a result.

Anyone who fails to attend on more than three occasions will be reviewed, and likely removed from the practice list.

We began a campaign a few months ago aiming to educate patients to cancel their appointments in good time if they are unable to attend. You will be pleased to know that these figures are improving!

However, there is still some way to go and we ask that if you are unable to attend your appointment that you contact the surgery as soon as possible (ideally giving 24 hours notice). If you wish to cancel an appointment, please let us know. 

We are keen to make our surgery one of the most efficient in Milton Keynes and you can help us do this!

Cancelling or changing an appointment

To cancel your appointment:

If you need help when we are closed

The surgery is open for phone calls and face to face enquiries between the hours of 8am and 6:30pm.

If you need medical help now when we are closed, use NHS 111 online or call 111.

NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.

Urgent health care outside of surgery hours throughout Milton Keynes is done as part of a GP co-operative through the Milton Keynes Urgent Care Centre.


Emergencies – what are they?

If you or someone else experiences the symptoms below, and feel that it is so serious it cannot wait, go to your nearest accident & emergency department, or call 999.

Symptons include:

  • Chest pain
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Vomiting blood
  • Black stools
  • Breathlessness
  • Cardiac chest pain
  • Non-blanching rashes (the glass test)
  • Possible anaphylactic shock (swelling of mouth and throat)

Home visits

Home visits are available for those who are housebound or too ill to come out. We can see several patients in the surgery in the time it takes to do a home visit.

Please phone before 11am for a home visit, indicating the degree of emergency to the receptionist.

Related information

Health A to Z

Sick notes

Test results

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 10 February 2025