We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms or SytemConnect service.
Cervical smears
Routine smears are available with one of the practice nurses by appointment. Please inform the receptionist when you are making the appointment that you will be having a smear test. You will be recalled by letter if your smear is overdue.
Minor surgery
Some doctors carry out minor surgical procedures. You will need to make an appointment.
Child health surveillance
The practice undertakes routine development checks in association with the health visitor during the first 5 years of your child’s life.
During your pregnancy you will be offered a series of ante-natal appointments to check on the health of you and the baby.
During these visits you should be given information about your care. If at anytime you are unable to see a doctor or midwife for an emergency appointment, you can also contact the labour ward at Milton Keynes Hospital on 01908 243478.
Patients suffering from asthma are seen regularly in the clinic which is run by practice nurse.
Coronary heart disease
Patients with a history of heart disease are seen regularly in the clinic which is run by practice nurse.
Diabetic patients are seen regularly in the clinic which is run by our practice nurse.
Weight and diet
By appointment with practice nurse.
Contraceptive advice
All the doctors provide contraceptive services during the normal surgery hours.
The surgery provides a physiotherapy service to all patients registered with the practice. Referrals are via your GP.
Vaccination and immunisation
Please note that most travel vaccinations are chargeable.
Routine vaccination and travel immunisations are carried out by appointment with the practice nurse.
Childhood immunisation clinic is run on a Monday but appointments can be made at other times with the practice nurse.
Flu vaccination
In accordance with the department of health guidelines, we recommend an influenza vaccination for patients with chronic heart disease, lung or kidney disease, diabetics and all patients over 65.
Interpreter service
If you, or a member of your family require an interpreter, please speak to the receptionist who will arrange for a member of the language service to be available at the time of your appointment.
Smoking cessation
Please enquire at reception for details.
Specialist GP service
Some of our GPs are trained in specialist fields, i.e. cardiology, minor surgical procedures, chronic disease management etc.